Sunday 28 October 2007

Episode 2: In Oct that I am stepping down from being FT of my darlings...

F...or real. Not sure about you guys but I feel like we are a big family. =)

O...f course, some of you guys can be mischievous, cheeky, "rule-breakers"... (Ok, I know you don't really mean it, but still...=pPPpp)

R...eally... and surely, there were times I was angry, frustrated and irritated...when some of you get too laid back and unmotivated... when you do not believe in your own ability to excel...or just push yourself a little more....but how long could I be angry with you guys? =)

M...y dear class, you have brought me much joy and laughter...=D (Though some subject teachers might disagree...hahahha....) Most of you are good-natured and cooperative, always willing to lend a helping hand to your peers, something I am really proud of! =)

I... appreciate you guys for your spirit....there were so many being so sporting during Chinese New Year with the Auspisicous Mascot Walk at the beginning of the year...(I know it takes a lot for my suave guys to walk down the aisle, and I thank you for supporting the event =D ), staying back for the various classroom decoration competitions, making an effort to attend most school events... erhmmm...most of you...=p, helping out where you can in different areas...especially those quiet souls in the class...I do take note of your presence....=) The video clips you guys have produced, skits/ care talks you all have put up...And I am really proud of the achievements of my class sportsmen *grins* the pyramids of trophies in all shades of bronze, silver and name it, we have it!

D...on't really think I can forget the lovely surprise birthday party you guys have planned... *dabs my eyes with a tissue* It was the largest and cutest cake I have ever received...*seriously*

A...lready, I think I am missing you all... just a few more words to say... (hahha, yes I know I will still see you all some time or another, but just let me get emotional for a while can? )

B...elieve in yourselves... know your strengths, identify your weakness and work on them...

L...ove yourself, love what you are doing...

E...mbrace life to the fullest, with minimal regrets......
PS: 我无法逐一点名表示我遂所有宝贝的谢意(没提到你们的名字并不代表我忘了你们哦!!!有些话已经写在你们的成绩册(remarks)了!)
紫薇、佩婷和班上的许多可爱女生,谢谢你们的贴心、乐于助人的精神......尤其是紫薇,进步神速哦~ =D



副班长浩建,由衷感谢你这一年来不辞劳苦、尽心尽力地从旁协助大大小小的杂务--从友情客串扮演“大耳隆”到点算簿子、计算分数、综合调查表格的成绩......辛苦你了...=D (别辞职啦......哈哈哈!)

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