How long will you wait?
Will he come?
Will she wait?

Warning: Do not go to the movies with me if you do not want to be embarrassed. I cry easily.
I think it is interesting to screen this show "The Leap Years" so timely on a leap year. =)
Really like this local production. The cantonese dialogue sprinkled in the show adds a lovely dash of flavour.************************************************************
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny. It is in our hands.
Are you holding on to your destiny?
Do not forget to gaze at the stars as you reach out...
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.
Are coincidences pure coincidences?
Have you ever conjure up coincidences?
Do you make meaning out of coincidences?
If you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life.
Do you have the patience to wait?There is no fast forward button in waiting.
However you may hit the rewind button many times while waiting.
Are you able to pause and wait?
在凡事要求立竿见影、要求instant gratification立即回报的速食年代,再加上周遭人的喋喋不休,等待是项越来越艰巨的任务......
A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
Do you feel that sometimes the more you want to avoid something, someone, you walk right into it/ him/ her?
Sometimes the more you want to bury an emotion, it revives itself and haunts you?
How do you know that THIS is your destiny?
In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life,"It goes on."
Life goes on. Really?
Life goes on. The same way. Are you sure?
Life goes on. The good way or bad way?
Life goes on. You make a difference.
Life goes on. But it is never the same, if our lives have not crossed paths.
Is it better to have love and lost then to never have loved at all? Life goes on. But I would rather have loved. Even if it is for a brief moment.
"Do you know the word that most commonly appears in love letters is not "love"...... but "miss"?"
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