Tuesday, 20 March 2007

*Stress* 15 days to SYF!!!

1) Nasty Surprise 1: Student popped question before assembly commences,"Can I don't go drama today as my partner is absent?" (Rejected. Student reported right after remedial and helped with props. =) *Thank you* One cast member down. )
2) Nasty Surprise 2: Saw another student on MSN during school hours= the student is probably not in school. (Nudged her and realised she was really absent. Two main cast members down. )
3) Nasty Surprise 3: One student had to leave home right after school she is really unwell. (Don't feel guilty, who wants to be ill? Three main cast members down. )
4) Nasty Surprise 4: Saw an SMS sent at 7 a.m. to inform me she is on MC. (Four main cast members down. )
5) Nasty Surprise 5: Found out that 2 more main cast members were on MC. (Six down. )
6) Nasty Surprise 6: 3 more have to leave due to various reasons ranging from acceptable to no choice. (Nine down. )

I have 13, 14 cast members?

Hence I had no choice but to cancel practise...which is really depressing as this is the only session we have this week...before we zip off to the level camps...

*Praying hard that all will go well during the camps..darlings, please take care of yourselves...*


*Small sample made by me! Big ones made by the kids! Erhmmm..need to QC (quality control... the "seaweed" is peeling off for one or two pieces as it's air dry clay and if you did not cover the clay when you are not using, it dries up and becomes harder to mould...=p)*

*Patrick in disbelief when he found out he got to paint the cubes in the sun...=p*

Diana and HuiMin, thanks for making the effort to come down...=)

Why in the world are we painting in the sun? (We need the cubes to dry fast in case you all are wondering...)

Lian Yi and me!

You can see that the sun is getting unbearable...

*Almost done!!! * LOVE my kids...thank you for staying back to finish paint the cubes!!!

One of my favourite cubes =)

***15 days before SYF***

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