Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Bear-y bear-y cute series

Valerie gallantly took up the role of a BEAR!!! That's Diana and Xinlin, trying to squeeze her "tummy" into the bear suit. Thank you for helping me with the logistics, with the weirdest things on the shopping list e.g. a wig, fur .... =)
*Arghhhh... the zip seems faulty*

*Final pose!*

No one can resist taking a photo with THE bear...

See what I mean? (One can hardly resist trying on the hood and ears too!)

Bear with the letter B and a babe beside it! =)

The bear gets a little tired after endless photo requests...

I swear I was'nt bullying the cute little bear!!! (And I am not sitting on the bear, just posing..=p)

And the obliging flurry bear takes another group photo with the rest of the cast! =))

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