Thursday, 29 March 2007














You got to wait a while for the next batch of pics..=)

Dear SYF Drama darlings,

*I am exhausted....* Will upload the pics of our rehearsal at the actual venue soon..*patience*

Keep up the great effort! Keep your energy level high! Eat well, rest well, sleep early! *Drink gallons of water!!!*

8 more days to SYF!!!



Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Bear-y bear-y cute series

Valerie gallantly took up the role of a BEAR!!! That's Diana and Xinlin, trying to squeeze her "tummy" into the bear suit. Thank you for helping me with the logistics, with the weirdest things on the shopping list e.g. a wig, fur .... =)
*Arghhhh... the zip seems faulty*

*Final pose!*

No one can resist taking a photo with THE bear...

See what I mean? (One can hardly resist trying on the hood and ears too!)

Bear with the letter B and a babe beside it! =)

The bear gets a little tired after endless photo requests...

I swear I was'nt bullying the cute little bear!!! (And I am not sitting on the bear, just posing..=p)

And the obliging flurry bear takes another group photo with the rest of the cast! =))

The "Extra" crazy series

In every production, there is this group of people called the "extras". However, more often than not, they are one of the highlights of the show. It is also where your attitude and commitment really shows, when you bother to turn up punctually, wait patiently for your turn and stay right till the end of the rehearsal. Thank you my dears! =) Here we see them chatting while waiting for their turn...

*Take 1*

*More smiles!*
*Take 2*

*Take 3*

*Post rehearsal shots*
*Seniors in drama-mama mode* You know guys, I will really miss you when you graduate, as you are my first batch of students...perhaps I should post a few shots taken way back in 2004 Arts Festival and we can all take a stroll down memory lane. What say you guys? =))

I guess if you can't beat them, join them! *wahahhahahhahahha*

The Lady Series

Are you able to guess who is Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Goldilocks?

The Men Series

The men taking a break...=)

*Caught sleeping!!!*

2 fine gentlemen and not-quite-a-lady
Today I almost did a somersault when my third MAN J told me he could'nt come for rehearsal. *Keeping my fingers crossed that he will come tomorrow and for all future rehearsals as it's just 9 more days before SYF!!!!*

"Bear-y Funny"

What's that? Who's that?

Nopes, we don't need a deer dear...we need a bear~

Wahahhaha...I really could'nt resist trying on something! This costume shop has EVERYTHING!!!

"Bear-y" cute Val in her chubby bear suit!!!! (It's not easy getting into the bear suit at all..catch more on the "bear" series. Hahhahaha......)

Which head should we get? (It's actually a little creepy looking at these 2 heads..=p)

Is'nt this the GINGERBREAD MAN from the movie "SHREK"? It's sooOOooo CUTE!!!

Friday, 23 March 2007

Snaps from Edventure Camp! (Part 1)

This is the first time I am camping out of this is the first year I am having a Sec 3 class as my form class! =) Here's my darlings (Tiger Group) charting their camp objectives before zipping off to Labrador Park for their 3D2N camp!

Here's the peacock group!

What are they looking at?

I concluded that most of them are spidermen after watching them...*serious* Don't you think long limbs are a bonus for this obstacle station?

Cool and steady...

Both the guys and gals were game for the challenges!

Night trail...I felt that the hair doubled up as the eye mask..*LOL*

*Was momentarily distracted by my guys' shoes*

It's important to follow game rules...if not you get left behind..=p
The wall challenge was easy for them..=)

Hahahha...I like this shot...=)
Will load more pictures tomorrow! *Feeling tired and a little sunburnt now* Although it was tiring, I must say that I enjoyed myself! =)
Almost everytime I joined my class at their respective game station, they would say," Ms Tay, your turn next." *Yah right* Hahhaha...but I would join in most of the times, as I trust that I will be safe in their hands! You guys may be a little cheeky, a little mischievous, but you guys rock!!! =)

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

*Stress* 15 days to SYF!!!

1) Nasty Surprise 1: Student popped question before assembly commences,"Can I don't go drama today as my partner is absent?" (Rejected. Student reported right after remedial and helped with props. =) *Thank you* One cast member down. )
2) Nasty Surprise 2: Saw another student on MSN during school hours= the student is probably not in school. (Nudged her and realised she was really absent. Two main cast members down. )
3) Nasty Surprise 3: One student had to leave home right after school she is really unwell. (Don't feel guilty, who wants to be ill? Three main cast members down. )
4) Nasty Surprise 4: Saw an SMS sent at 7 a.m. to inform me she is on MC. (Four main cast members down. )
5) Nasty Surprise 5: Found out that 2 more main cast members were on MC. (Six down. )
6) Nasty Surprise 6: 3 more have to leave due to various reasons ranging from acceptable to no choice. (Nine down. )

I have 13, 14 cast members?

Hence I had no choice but to cancel practise...which is really depressing as this is the only session we have this week...before we zip off to the level camps...

*Praying hard that all will go well during the camps..darlings, please take care of yourselves...*


*Small sample made by me! Big ones made by the kids! Erhmmm..need to QC (quality control... the "seaweed" is peeling off for one or two pieces as it's air dry clay and if you did not cover the clay when you are not using, it dries up and becomes harder to mould...=p)*

*Patrick in disbelief when he found out he got to paint the cubes in the sun...=p*

Diana and HuiMin, thanks for making the effort to come down...=)

Why in the world are we painting in the sun? (We need the cubes to dry fast in case you all are wondering...)

Lian Yi and me!

You can see that the sun is getting unbearable...

*Almost done!!! * LOVE my kids...thank you for staying back to finish paint the cubes!!!

One of my favourite cubes =)

***15 days before SYF***