As the three get to know each other, complications arise. If Radha get caught, will she be given the death penalty when she has only a few months to live?
Moving, humorous and evocative, Good People looks at urgent contemporary issues through the test of personal relationships.
Can you be both right and wrong?
Can you be neither wrong or right?
Can something be illegal but not wrong?
Who decides what is right or wrong?
But being right does not mean one cannot be wrong.
Are drugs herbs? Has THE ONE taken any before? How to you decide what to ban and what not? Are you a politician? The economy strives on selected drugs. Can you name any? If you possess __g of ___ you are a drug addict. If you possess __g of ___ you are a trafficker. What makes you a dealer? Are drugs that ease the pain of patients consider bad?
We know grey areas exist between black and white, but what if there are many shades of grey?
Life is an achievement and death is part of an achievement.
From dust you came and to dust you return.
Waking up is a blessing. You have one full day to do something positive. If you wake up with a sense of purpose.
But what if your life is one of constant decaptitation and it is painful to even breathe and stay alive for one more day?
What if you don't want to live? Who decides you live? Is prolonging one's life the best option?
What if you want to live again? To live a life. One of quality.
What do you think of when you wake up?
What have you done today? So many have done a lot yet achieve little.
Have you touched anyone? Can you?
Do you have a religion? Do you stand by your beliefs? Are you motivated by your faith?
They may be successful, but you are good. Is that good enough for you?
Enjoyed the moving performance @ The Black Box (The Necessary Stage, Marine Parade Community Building)
Hols is a good time to recharge. Check out http://www.gatecrash.com.sg/ for upcoming performances.
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