Thursday, 9 August 2007

National Day Celebration! Part 1

This is sooOoo crazy..I went on a movie marathon to destress right after National Day celebration...hahahhaa...Caught "The Simpson's Movie", "不能说的秘密" and"Rush Hour 3"....It has been a long time since I watched movies! Oh Man I really recommend Jay Chou's show!!!虽然周杰伦有耍帅的嫌疑--温文尔雅、才华横溢兼温柔调皮的学生形象、每天做饭给爸爸吃的家庭“煮夫”乖乖仔形象、与钢琴王子之间精彩绝伦的斗琴、单手弹钢琴(“这样我才可以牵你的手”那句话不知迷倒了多少人)、等等等....哈哈哈!

Josh (Mr Shoo) and I were the emcees for the community sing-a-long session today! Boy it was fun! As the crowd got high, so did us! Both of us really "shine"--you could see the the "shimmering" perspiration on our face...还真是“红光满面”,呵呵! was really challenging and fun to "ra-ra" the crowd-- i.e. to swing them into the mood of celebration by echoing cheers, doing the Mayflowerian Wave and getting everyone on their feet to learn simple mass dance steps and hand movements+ to form the train for the song Singapore Town and Stand Up for Singapore! Sometimes I was so excited that I fogot I was holding the mic and shouted into apologies for being unclear at times hahhahaha....of course when I simply cannot reach the few high notes of the songs, I will "ra-ra" the crowd to clap and cheer...*chuckles*
Its the first time I lead such a big crowd in community singing..hahahhaa...though my voice is of limited range, I believe as long as you try, its really ok not to be able to reach all the notes! Just enjoy the music!!!
Will upload more snaps tomo...super sleepy now! =D

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