Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Less than 12 hours to SYF!!!

*Here's a doodle from my notebook 2 days ago...*
I am breaking out in rashes!!! *scratch scratch*
Let's hope it's stress rash that will subside (or just go away!) after SYF...
I felt more confident after watching my darlings' last rehearsal today...=)
As long as you have put in your best effort, there will be no regrets!
Let's go for it!!!

Stayed back till about 8 p.m. last night to do trial make up for the cast members after rehearsing for the SYF showcase for the morning assembly today...

I think the microphones' wires got on the nerves of everyone..*scoldings, naggings, NGs, rewards, you name it, we have it...*

*Let's hope tomorrow everything will go smoothly...that everyone of them will be as punctual as they have been for the past few morning rehearsals...*

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