Hur hur, our gut feel is that it is probably not that affordable...=p

Color coordinating Tay (coz she had a glimpse of the book cover prior to the event) with The Real artist Tay! I am a real fan of my good friend's works~ =D
Drop by
http://www.mandytay.com/ for more inspiring works! =D

"My" Tay gallery! (Ok, just dreaming for a few seconds...if only... hur hur...)

The real Tay gallery owner! (Both tired, look more like Tay & Tay Clinic..=p) Happy for Mandy that the event was a success! =)

Other art works @ AAF (my good friend and I could'nt afford any...hur hur...but it was a great experience! =))
Been such a long time since i did a photo post... it was a rare break from the normal routines of work...
A nice quote I saw:
Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. people change so that you can learn how to let go..