This is my favortite class photo. =)
Dear 5F,
Study effectively, study hard~
Focus and channel your energy into the right places...time is ticking fast...
Make good use of the time you have...
You may feel a little down and a little "emo" at is inevitable as you need to work very hard to bridge the gap between Sec 4 and will not be easy...hang on there...clarify your doubts timely...and work hard...
I really hope you all will do your own personal will face personal struggles...external struggles... build your mental strength and strive to overcome these hurdles...
Urge yourselves to do well, give each other the extra push and strive to do better each time...
Encourage and cheer one another on...learn from each other's mistakes...strengths...the best thing about you all is your spirit of sharing or giving...
And give your best~ So that there will be no regrets...
You are only young once...
Lots of love, Ms Tay-aka-Mdm Tay-aka-Zheng Lao Shi