Saturday, 30 June 2007


国家体育场将在2007年6月30日举办最后一场足球赛(2007 ASEAN FootballChampionship)。



相信马来西亚足球金杯赛(Malaysia Cup)在许多人的成长岁月里留下了足迹...... 除了对球员名字倒背如流、有各自支持的球员、文件夹啊、课本啊贴满了新加坡球队的照片、对马来西亚各州府的名字更是熟悉不过(这绝对有助于历史课,呵呵!)......

虽然从未真正穿着红色的球恤到现场观看球赛,但却多次在电视机荧光屏前感受到国家体育场(National Stadium)里的加冷狮吼(kallang roar)加冷人浪(kallang wave)的激情澎湃,随着球队的每一次进球而高声呐喊、跟着球队的每一次失误而垂首顿足......

新加坡国家体育场陪伴了国人34年,曾经举办过无数大型活动; 除了让人缅怀的金杯赛,又有谁忘得了全民同欢的国庆日庆典?这座见证了我国发展的建筑物装载着无数人满满的回忆,而它将在今天6月30日正式关闭,走入历史......一系列的怀旧活动,你有参与吗?

1。在1968年和1976年期间,新加坡博彩公司( Singapore Pools)拨出了大约一千四百五十万新币($14.5million)国家体育场。

2。国家体育场是由30万袋的洋灰(300,000 bags of cement),300万个砖块(3,000,000bricks)和4千500屯(dun1)钢铁与木头(4,500 tons of steel and timber),于1973年6月建成。
3。1973年7月13日,当时的李光耀总理为国家体育场掀开序幕, 并在7月16日正式开放给新加坡人民使用。
4。国家体育场总共见证了18场国庆日庆典。(1976, 1980, 1985, 1986,1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996–1999, 2001–2004, 2006)


我不得不同意,否则也不会在今年三月时,参加了《我们的歌大家唱》这个由实践剧场和弹唱人主办所主办,近4000人参与的别开生面的Sing-a-long Party,以歌声告别体育场。我发现自己对80、90年代的歌曲特别有共鸣,也几乎每一首都会唱.......(哎呀,暴露了年龄。=p)

以上部分照片由一个另类老师所提供,谢谢!(那天,另类老师的一句话让一些人留下会心地一笑:“来啊,大家把垃圾捡起来哦,只留下回忆,不留下垃圾! ”)










2007 年 04 月 13 日 星期五
位于新加坡加冷一带的国家体育场有着“加冷老妇人”(Grand Old Lady of Kallang)的称号。1973年启用的“加冷老妇人”将在今年走入历史,“让位”给新的现代化国家体育场。这些年来,国家体育场见证的不仅是许许多多的体育赛事和一年一度的国庆日庆典,不少文娱活动也曾经在那里留下足迹。这一期《狮城脉搏》,让我们一起来追踪老妇人的成长过程,并听听各界人士对她的情感。

下载 告别国家体育场(一) 2007 年 04 月 24 日 星期二 34年来,国家体育场见证了无数激动人心的时刻。伴随着一代新加坡人成长的国家体育场就要“功成身退”,走入历史了。接下来两期的《漫游狮城》,带您走一趟即将拆除的体育场,参加新加坡体育理事会特别为国家体育场主办的告别之旅,到平时“可望而不可即”的地方如圣火台去!

下载 告别国家体育场(二) 2007 年 05 月 01 日 星期二 这一期的《漫游狮城》,继续带您参观即将拆除的国家体育场,看看一般人平时没有机会参观的国家级运动员使用的特别训练室。告别体育场之际也了解训练体育运动员背后的一些学问。

6月30号是新加坡加冷一带的国家体育场在拆除进行重建前正式向公众开放的最后一天,而体育场也将在当天举行“关闭仪式”。 34年来,国家体育场见证了新加坡许许多多的体育赛事,同时也是国家足球队的主场。在体育场走入历史之际,《狮城脉搏》请新加坡男子国家足球队前队长林东海和多次到国家体育场支持国家足球队的体育迷吕淑慧带我们回味体育场内的“加冷狮吼”和“加冷人浪”。

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Toothbrush? Or not? hahahah..

Ok, I admit... it is a little crazy (and distracting) to have a toothbrush hanging on your ear... hahahahhahaa...but just thought it will be fun...

I think the heat of preparation for Speech Day & Musical has gotten to me...wahahhahahaha...Let's hope both events will be great successes! Speech Day is in less than 48 hours and Musical is less than 2 weeks away! *Nervous* =ppPPpp

Monday, 25 June 2007

Play? Stop? Hahahha...

简直是奄奄一息...怎么这么想不开,自己又不是青春无敌美少女,开学第一天和宝贝们玩起S.H.E PLAY 专辑里的《中国话》念起绕口令......结果,有点儿喘....哈哈哈哈....

Sunday, 24 June 2007


我居然忘了自己带着shrek hairband还开着窗口工作......

A trip down memory lane (Arts Festival 2004) & More snaps from Makan session (Part 2)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl ...
Just before Term 3 kicks off, which I believe will be a very very hectic term for all teachers and Mayflowerians, I decided to take a walk down memory lane......back to Arts Festival 2004....Where we had our very own Musical Production in school with the concept of moving scenes...a collaborative effort of all the Performing Arts Groups....
I guess I am taking a walk down memory lane as these are my first batch of students who will be graduating this year....I will miss you all....

Remember the AVA room back in Campus 2?

Here's a snap of 3 cute gals...who are all student leaders now=)

That's Yuki, Me, Amelia and Jill!

Here's Xinlin! See how the little girl evolved...into a responsible student leader..=)

Huimin will kill me for posting this pic here....

Rehearsal in the hall....

That's Allison and Ben!

More rehearsals in the hall...

Presidents in action!

Groupie photo...
Outdoor Family photo! =p

hahahahhaa...that's the "bad" guy Jason =ppp Who will remember my bad make up skills hahahahah....

Trying to jump in unison...

Don't ask me what I look so sneaky...=p That's Mr Ng Kok Wing who took the outdoor shots for us and oh, Mrs Era Sidhu too!
That was 3 years ago....remember those times my dear? =) Memories archived....

Yes, it IS Diana and Huimin...hahahhaa..and me...look how they have changed!
Back to the Makan Snaps...

Arghhh...its a bit blur...=p

Bloated men who probably ate more than they could digest...

Groupie pic! My dear sec 3s who are a very funky lot too!

Here's us again!!! Hope you all enjoyed the session. =D

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

SYF Makan Session (Part 1)

Let's just say Drama Club has suave guys and pretty babes. (Evidence 1)

How many times do we need to prove it? *chuckles* (Evidence 2)

Here's a group photo! Will post the small groups snaps soon!
It's the post SYF pig out makan session,
a treat by their dearest teachers *erhmmmm* @ Sakae Sushi.
(Hahahhaha, we are really celebrating later than the other performing groups...hehehhe...)

Musical's just around the corner!

Here's a sneak preview to the ballroom dance segment! hahahhaa...the guys are a really enthusatic bunch of sec 2s and the girls are from Modern Dance. =D The guy in white is the chereographer Aaron who has been very patient with them..hehehe...coz my dear dancers can get a little hyper active at times.. *grins*

They look cool. They look confident.
They look cheerful.
They look cheeky. They look conscious.
They look coy.

They are definately commited to practise, despite the occasional monkey business. =D

Friday, 15 June 2007

Father's Day gift (My 1st Scrap Page)

In the midst of the crazy, intensive "O" marking, I decided to give myself a mental break and attended a scrapbooking course for beginners last weekend @ Plaza Singapura ( with my uni friend Linda. She is also the lovely lady who loan me her gorgeous dresses for my SYF competition. =)

I bet my dear drama students remember how a paranoid Ms Tay checks the dresses after rehearsals for wear and tear...especially the pink chiffon dress, though I know dear lena tries her best to ensure that there is no damage... hahahahha....

Framed with Love
My First Scrap Page

We were supposed to bring a few pictures of the same theme and I decided to bring a few pictures taken almost 2 years back during my wedding and make a present for my dad as Father's Day is just around the corner. =)
We had a short theory lesson before we embarked on our mission. Scrapbooking is really loads of fun! There are endless possibilities! In this digital age, we take too many photos and print too few. I think it is really meaningful to preserve our memories in a different way. =) Think I will come back for another workshop. =)

Framed with Love Close up shot

I actually did not managed to finish my scrap page and the staff there kindly accomodated my request to pop by again to finish up my page..=)

I like this corner of the pageI have done.

QUESTION: Does love comes with a price? (See the price tag hanging there?)

ANSWER: Love cannot be measured by monetary value. It's priceless. (Cliche, but true)

Hope my dad likes the present...=p



Thursday, 14 June 2007


“脱线”:这不是规范的华语,意思接近“短路”(搭配:电流短路 short circuit)。
画这则漫画时,只觉得自己的脑袋有资讯爆棚(info overload)的感觉......




It has been a long time since I blog! Been really busy the past week or so with Chinese "O" Level marking...(No my dear sec 4 baobei, everything is confidential and we do not know the schools we are marking...=p)

I am sure all of us have experienced times whereby we are tired and weary, exhausted and demoralised...

Doodled these pictures on a day I was feeling extremely worn out...